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전체 노무현사료관의 모든 사료를 키워드·주제·시기별로 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

u-KOREA Master Plan


  • 2005. 05. (일자미상)
  • [저자/역자] 정보통신부 [출판] 정보통신부
  • 28981
  • 노무현대통령 사저


[대통령 소장 도서]
I. Background And Rationale 2
1. Progress And Achievements In Informatization
2. Changes In Social And Technological Environment
3. Current Issues And Contributions Of u-IT

II. u-KOREA Vision And Principles 16
1. Vision
2. Goals
3. Principle Directions
4. Snapshots Of u-KOREA In 2015
5. Implementation Phases

III. u-KOREA Strategies For Advancement In Five Areas 39
III-1. Friendly Government
1. Improve Govemment Work Methods with Real-Time and Intelligent Administrative System
2. Create Site-Oriented Job Processing Environment with Mobile Administrative System
3. Realize Open Administration by Expanding Participation Channels for the Public
4. Prepare Organic Cooperation System by Building Network to Connect Government Operations
III-2. Intelligent Land
1. Build Safe And Convenient Environment With Intelligent And Advanced Transportation System
2. Improve Efficiency Of Immigration Control Using Biometrics
3. Create Advanced Logistics Environment By Building Integrated And Intelligent RFID-Based Logistics
4. Improve Safety And Security Control On SoC By Bringing Intelligence To Key Public Facilities
5. Support Efficient Operation Of u-City by Building Integrated Regional Control Centers
6. Create u-IT Environment To Improve Inter-Korean Relations
III-3. Regenerative Economy
1. Establish Simplified And Transparent Financial Transactions By Adopting u-Banking System
2. Raise Industrial Competitiveness Through Ubiquitous Informatization
3. Raise Industrial Competitiveness By Facilitating Utilization Of u-IT By SMEs
4. Optimize Cooperation Between Companies And Industries Through Development of Corporate Information System Based On Common Platform
III-4. Secure And Safe Social Environment
1. Build Sustainable Environmental System Through Real-Time Monitoring
2. Maintain Safety Control On Food And Drugs with Traceability System
3. Facilitate National Defense Reform By Establishing u-IT Based Integrated Defense Information System
4. Strengthen Anti-Crime Activities by Building Intelligent System On Security Maintenance and Crime Prevention
5. Improve Safety By Building Real-Time Response System For Disasters
III-5. Tailored u-Life Services
1. Realize Customized Education With Intelligent Facilities And Services
2. Realize 'Participatory Welfare' By Building Customized Welfare System
3. Promote Convenient and Affluent Home Life By Realizing u-Home
4. Provide Customized Services By Building Living Network For Learning, Welfare, And Culture

IV. Strategies To Optimize Four Engines Of u-KOREA 110
IV-1. u-Globalization Engine: Balanced Global Leadership
1. Aggressively Enter Overseas Markets
2. Establish The Foundation To Become u-IT Leader With Strengthened Global Cooperation
3. Secure Tchnology Leadership By Leading International Technology Standardization
IV-2. u-Industry Engine: Ecological Industry Infrastructure
1. Secure Industrial Viability By Facilitating u-Cluster
2. Build Test-beds To Facilitate Core Technology Development And Revitalize Industry
3. Prepare Basis For Integrated u-Service To Seamlessly Link Various Services
4. Foster Strategic Ubiquitous Industries to Create Growth Engine
IV-3. u-Society Engine: Streamlining Social Infrastructure
1. Create Public Consensus with Expanded Opportunities for u-Services
2. Establish Ubiquitous Social Institution by Consolidating Legal Systems
3. Build Safety And Trust System In Ubiquitous Society
4. Improve Privacy Protection System
IV-4. u-Technology Engine: Transparent Technological Infrastructure
1. Build Ubiquitous Network Accessible Anywhere and Anytime
2. Develop Application Technologies To Promote u-KOREA
3. Secure Source Technologies to Achieve Surplus In Technology Trade
4. Develop Standardization Environment to Enhance Market Competitiveness
5. Continue Implementation Of IT839 Strategy As A Key Engine For u-KOREA

V. Implementation Strategies 168
1. Key Tasks For u-KOREA
2. Expected Benefits



노무현사료관 로고

디지털유산어워드 2018 선정 사이트

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