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노무현사료관 로고

전체 노무현사료관의 모든 사료를 키워드·주제·시기별로 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

Peace, Prosperity and National Security


  • 2004.05.01.
  • [저자/역자] 국가안전보장회의 [출판] 국가안전보장회의
  • 28969
  • 노무현대통령 사저


[대통령 소장 도서]
I. New Security Environment
1. Changing World and the Korean Peninsula
2. Challenges and Opportunities

II. National Security Initiatives of the Republic of Korea
1. National Interests and National Security Objectives
2. Principles of the National Security Strategy
3. The Structure of the National Security Strategy

III. Peaceful Resolution of the North Korean Nuclear Issue and Establishment of a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula
1. Peaceful Resolution of the North Korean Nuclear Issue
2. Building up Military Confidence and Creating an Environment for Arms Control
3. Establishing a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula

IV. Simultaneous Promotion of Self-reliant Defense and the ROK-U.S. Alliance
1. Development of a Forward-looking ROK-US Alliance
2. Building Advanced and Strong Armed Forces
3. Overhauling Military Structures and Undertaking Defense Reform

V. Leading the Path Toward Common Prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian Cooperation
1. Institutionalizing Inter-Korean Reconciliation and Cooperation
2. Expanding Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation
3. Promoting Korea as a Northeast Asian Business Hub
4. Pursuing Multilateral Security in Northeast Asia

VI. Pursuing Multi-Dimensional International Cooperation
1. Strengthening Cooperation with the Four Regional Countries
2. Pursuing Region-Specific Foreign Policy
3. Promoting Multilateral Diplomacy and Global Peace
4. Reinforcing Economic and Trade Diplomacy
5. Bolstering Cultural Diplomacy and Assisting Ethnic Korean Communities Abroad

VII. Strengthening Domestic Security Infrastructure
1. Strengthening Security Policy Planning and Coordination
2. Establishing a National Crisis Management System
3. Fostering Intelligence Capabilities
4. Increasing Comprehensive Security Capabilities
5. Policy Decision-Making on a Based on Public Participation

VII. Toward an Era of Peace and Prosperity in Northeast Asia



노무현사료관 로고

디지털유산어워드 2018 선정 사이트

(03057) 서울시 종로구 창덕궁길 73 전화 82-2-1688-0523 팩스 82-2-713-1219 이사장 정세균 사업자번호 105-82-17699