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노무현사료관 로고

전체 노무현사료관의 모든 사료를 키워드·주제·시기별로 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

international Symposium Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Korea National Health Insurance


  • 2007. 11. (일자미상)
  • [저자/역자] 보건복지부 [출판] 보건복지부
  • 28951
  • 노무현대통령 사저


[대통령 소장 도서]
Session 1_ Developing the National Employment Strategy
Keynote Speech : National Employment Policy in the New Global Economy 1
Presentation : Framework for the National Employment Strategy 23

Session 2_Labor Market Flexicurity and Active Labor Market Policy
Keynote Presentation !
Labour market 'flexicurity' - some lessons from EU member countriesexperience 61
Keynote Presentation : Labour market reforms : lessons from OECD countries 107
Presentation : Suggestions for Improving Labor Market Flexicurity
and Active Labor market Policy in Korea 123
Presentation : Environmental Changes in the Labor Market and Vocational Training 141

Session 3_Coordinating the Social Services and strategy for Improving the Social Security System
Keynote Presentation : Social Services and Employment in England 157
Presentation : Suggestions for Improving Social Protection System in Korea 193
Presentation : Suggestions for Job Creation in Social Service Sector 241

Table of Contents

Key-note speech :
Thirty Years of Korean National Health Insurance: Achievements and Future Directions _ Shin, Y, S.

Key-note speech :
Trends in Health Care Financing in Western Europe:Impacts on Equity, Efficiency and Quality _ E. Mossialos

Session Ⅰ
- Lessons of Korea NHI as a health insurance model for Asian Countries - Moderator: Richard B. Saltaman
- 30 years of the NHI and its Implications for the Development of the Korean Welfare State _ Yang, J.J.
- Achievements & Challenges of NHI in KOREA; Access, Financing & Structure _ Moon, O. R.
- Thirty Years of NHI in KOREA : Lessons for Achieving Universal Health Care Coverage _ Kwon, S. M.
- The Philippine National Health Insurance Program : Lesson from the Korean Experience _ R. A. Basa
- PAKISTAN : A Country at the Crossroads _ B. Appelt
- Lessons of Korean National Health Insurance to Transition Economy Countries _ D. Bayarsaikhan

Session Ⅱ
A. Challenge and Prospect of Korea NHI
B. Social Investment and Health Security

Session Ⅲ
- Challenge for the Future Korea National Health Insurance _ Moderator: Lee, S.H.
- Introductory Remark : Problems and Solutions of the Korean Health Care System
- Reform of Health Care Finance and Payment System _ Kam, S.
- Consumer Participation and Governance in Health Care _ G. P. Marchildon
- Summing-up Presentation: The Road to Travel _ Yang, B. M.



노무현사료관 로고

디지털유산어워드 2018 선정 사이트

(03057) 서울시 종로구 창덕궁길 73 전화 82-2-1688-0523 팩스 82-2-713-1219 이사장 정세균 사업자번호 105-82-17699