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전체 노무현사료관의 모든 사료를 키워드·주제·시기별로 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

IMF:1KIEP Conference


  • 2001.05.17.
  • [저자/역자] IMF, KIEP [출판] IMF, KIEP
  • 28945
  • 노무현대통령 사저


[대통령 소장 도서]

The Conference program is attached.


6:30 - 8:00 Reception


8:30 - 9:00
Welcome: KIEP President Kyung Tae Lee
IMF Asia Pacific Department Director Yusuke Horiguchi

9:00 - 10:30
sessionxx 1: Overview of the Korean Crisis and the Crisis-Resolution Strategy
Moderator Il SaKong (Institute for Global Economics, former Minister of Finance)
Paper 1. Ajai Chopra et al. (IMF), “From Crisis to Recovery in Korea:
Strategy, Achievements, and Lessons”
Paper 2. Yoon Je Cho (Sogang University), “Economic Adjustment Program of Korea
After the Crisis: What Have We Learned?”
Discussants Barry Eichengreen (Berkeley), Jang-Yung Lee (MOFE)
General Discussion

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee

11:00 - 12:30
sessionxx 2: Monetary Policies
Moderator Stephen Grenville (Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia)
Paper 3. Chae-Shick Chung and Se-Jik Kim (KIEP), “New Evidence on High
Interest-Rate Policy During the Korean Crisis”
Paper 4. Anne Krueger and Jungho Yoo (Stanford), “Falling Profitability, Higher
Borrowing Costs, and Chaebol Finances in the 1997 Korean Crisis”
Discussants Myung-Chang Chung (BOK), Bijan Aghevli (JP Morgan, HK)
General Discussion

12:30 - 2:00
Lunch: Speech by IMF First Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer, “The Role
of the International Monetary Fund”

2:30 - 4:00
sessionxx 3: Financial and Corporate Reform
Moderator Yusuke Horiguchi (IMF)
Paper 5. William Mako (World Bank), “Corporate Reform and Financial Sector
Paper 6. Changyong Rhee (SNU) and Gyutaeg Oh (ChungAng University), “The Role
of the Corporate Bond Market in the Korean Financial Restructuring Process”
Discussants V. Sundararajan (IMF), Won-Dong Cho (MOFE/IMF)
General Discussion

4:00 - 4:30 Coffee

4:30 - 6:00
sessionxx 4: Labor Markets and Corporate Governance
Moderator Sung Hee Jwa (Korea Economic Research Institute)
Paper 7. Dae Il Kim (SNU), “Labor Market Changes in Korea after the Crisis”
Paper 8. Simon Johnson (MIT) and Todd Mitton (BYU), “Corporate Governance and
Corporate Debt in Asian Crisis Countries”
Discussants Hasung Jang (Korea University), Zia Qureshi (World Bank)
General Discussion

7:30 - 8:00
Reception: Remarks by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy
Nyum Jin

8:00 - 10:00 Dinner


8:30 - 10:00
sessionxx 5: After the Crisis
Moderator Kyung-Tae Lee (KIEP)
Paper 9. Robert Barro (Harvard), “Economic Growth in East Asia Before and After
the Financial Crisis”
Paper 10. Jong Wha Lee and Yung Chul Park (Korea University), “Recovery and
Sustainability in East-Asia”
Discussants Charles Adams (ADB), Yong-Jin Kim (Dongduk Women’s University)
General Discussion

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee

10:30 - 12:30
sessionxx 6: Implications for Future Crisis Management and the International
Financial Architecture
Moderator Tarrin Nimmanahaeminda (former Minister of Finance, Thailand)
Paper 11. Yang Ho Byeon (MOFE) and Woo Chan Kim (KDI School),
"Restructuring Korean Banks’ Short-Term Debt in 1998: Detailed
Account of the Process and Its Implications"
Paper 12. Barry Eichengreen (Berkeley), “Strengthening the International
Financial Architecture: Outstanding Issues, Asian Perspectives”
Paper 13. Michael Dooley (Santa Cruz), Rudi Dornbusch* (MIT), and Yung Chul
Park (Korea University), “A Framework for Exchange-Rate Policy in Korea”
Discussants - Anne Krueger (Stanford), Jun Il Kim (KDI)
General Discussion

12:30 - 2:00 Lunch

2:00 - 4:00
sessionxx 7: Lessons from the Korean Crisis and Recovery
Moderator - Stanley Fischer (IMF)
Panel - Hun-Jai Lee** (former Minister of Finance, former Chairman FSC), Robert
Barro (Harvard), Yung Chul Park (Korea University), Eisuke Sakakibara (Keio
University), Hak Kil Pyo (SNU)
General Discussion



노무현사료관 로고

디지털유산어워드 2018 선정 사이트

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