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전체 노무현사료관의 모든 사료를 키워드·주제·시기별로 찾아보실 수 있습니다.

Dokdo in the Eyes of the World

다운로드 마이 아카이브에 담기


  • 2006. (일자미상)
  • [저자/역자] 한국문화홍보원 [출판] 한국문화홍보원
  • 28937
  • 노무현대통령 사저
  • [다운로드]


[대통령 소장 도서]

Specialists' Articles on Dokdo 10
- Why Dokdo?
- Dokdo's Position in international Law
- Tiny Islets, Titanic Issue
- The Road to Irredentism: Who Covets Dokdo?
- Facing the Past to Win the Future
- Nationalism Manifested in Japan‘s territorial Dispute
- Dokdo: Historic Clash and Its Cultural Context

Specialists' Articles on the East Sea 66
- Research on the Relationship Between the Name "East Sea" and - Non-Han Regional Governments of Northeast China after the T'ang Dynasty
- The Name of the East Sea in Historic Perspective
- On Renaming the "Sea of Japan"

The World's view of Dokdo 96
- Northeast Asian Tension: Progress Hindered by History
- Re-stoking the First of the Korea-Japan Island Dispute
- Dokdo or Takeshima
- Dokdo Historically Proven To Be Korean Territory
- Japanese Ambitions on Dokdo Unmasked
- Island Dispute sets off Nationalist Frenzy in Korea
- Dokdo Issue Reveals Japan's Mistaken View of History
- Dokdo: Issue over Historical Heritage
- Korean Viewpoint on the Marine Territorial Issue
- Japanese Provocations : Shameless Acts Regarding History
- A Swipe at the West



노무현사료관 로고

디지털유산어워드 2018 선정 사이트

(03057) 서울시 종로구 창덕궁길 73 전화 82-2-1688-0523 팩스 82-2-713-1219 이사장 정세균 사업자번호 105-82-17699